Part of Unchain Our Children’s multi-faceted national awareness campaign on combatting human trafficking, is to engage with communities on all levels in order to educate, identify and empower victims, hold traffickers accountable and keep children safe.

The Bryanston Domestic Workers invited Amy Arnold, UOC’s Specialist Operative, heading the counter human trafficking initiatives, investigations and national training, to speak to them about the different aspects of human trafficking, especially grooming and on preventative measures to employ to avoid potential harm to children in their care.
Keep children in your care safe:

The ladies were keen to learn and many questions were answered which equipped them with a better understanding to recognize the key indicators of human trafficking.

Key Indicators of Human Trafficking:
*See United Nations Office on Drugs & Crimes comprehensive lists on General Indicators, Children, Sexual Exploitation, Labour Exploitation, Begging and Petty Crime, Domestic Servitude (a form of slavery trapping people in forced labour within private homes where they are ill-treated and made to work very long hours for little-, late-, or no money) *
Invite Amy to speak: Call Wayne: 072 364 8246
Report human trafficking incidents: Call UOC National Crisis Line: 067 323 7116