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The message of preparedness was the main theme of a joint outreach between Unchain Our Children, FCS Pretoria Moot, SAPS Water Wing, SAPS K9 Unit Bronkhorstspruit, Kilnerpark Security and Life Line Medical Emergency to educate and engage Moot Maats Homeschool’s learners and teachers today.

Stay Safe. Stay Alert. Know who to trust and know the number to call in an emergency.

Collaboration between the different units of SAPS and NPOs/NPCs like Unchain Our Children as well as private security- and medical emergency companies, ensures maximum impact on crime- and crisis response and prevention and create a safe environment for families and children in communities.  Teamwork between these entities showcases synergy and solidarity and builds a positive and strong working relationship  which positively reflects in communities.

Wayne van Onselen, Founder and Executive Director of Unchain Our Children and Warrant Officer Melani Smit of Pretoria Moot FCS, spoke on the rights of children, the dangers of social media, the lurking dangers of sexual grooming, child pornography and cyber-crimes and how to recognize it and prevent participation thereof.  They also informed the children what to do when being abused, where to get help and who to contact.  They explained that there is hope for victims of abuse and emphasized the importance of reporting any incidents which might infringe their rights in any way.

All role players agree that community engagement by means of awareness campaigns strengthens the confidence of communities to have zero tolerance for crime and to have the best interests of children as their first priority.  Life Line Medical Emergency’s ethos clearly reflects that sentiment:

“My soft spot are children and the elderly that are the ones that are mostly neglected and needs the special attention and care. Because I have a soft spot for them we support all of the old age homes and special homes for children. They are ones who are always neglected. We have special services and arrangements for their transportations to assist them in their need.” Excerpt from website:

The children were encouraged to confidently stand up against any form of intimidation including bullying, cyber harassment, inappropriate solicitations and also domestic abuse.  SAPS officers demonstrated some of their techniques and children had the opportunity to interact by asking questions and experience the prominent role law enforcement plays to protect them. 

“Engaging with the officers, the children not only experienced their professionalism but also their humanity”, said Ilana Venter, owner and manager of Moot Maats Homeschool Hub.

With the holiday season approaching, valuable safety tips were shared by the officers.  Not engaging with strangers, even friendly ones, and always allowing a good distance between the stranger and yourself.  Have an emergency number ready to call in case of a crisis. 

Parents are encouraged to spend quality time with their children and build a trust relationship because they have the power to guide their children’s development toward healthy sexuality and guard them against external unsavory sources. Failing that, and in the absence of sound sexual education, a child could fall victim to online predators and follow links to dark destinations eventually enticing them to the point of addiction to illicit content.


Unchain Our Children National Crisis Centre:  067 323 7116

Moot Maats Home School Hub:  Ilana Venter:  083 620 0621

Kilnerpark Security:

Lifeline Medical Emergency:




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